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What the Industry says:

Naval Surface Warfare Centre, Philadelphia:

        “The difference in performance…profound…most telling of all the testing accomplished.”

Naval Ammunition Depot, Pensacola:
         Fluid Film found to be superior protection in salt-water environments, “outstanding results” in exposure to outside environment, and “a superiority for            long term corrosion protection.”

Boeing Space Systems Division:
       Specified Fluid Film for use on the Space Shuttle after rigorous testing for maintenance materials standards.

U.S. Coast Guard:
       Fluid Film is specified for improving resistance in corrosion-prone areas of aircraft.

U.S. Air Force:
      Testing in accordance with Mil-C16173-E Grade 2 found Fluid Film to exceed all requirements.

Delta Airlines:
      Recommended Fluid Film, stating “(It) differs from other general maintenaince lubricants in that the lubricating capability remains for extended periods of time and is not subject to evaporation.”

Boeing Engineering Materials and Process Laboratory:
    Testing found Fluid Film to be twice as effective as commonly used corrosion control products for aluminium alloys

The comparison of corrosion protection demonstrates Fluid Film’s long-term corrosion control economy. In addition, the surface adherence of its lanolin-based formula is self-healing in cases of scoring or similar damage and it remains soft and flexible, does not wash away or crack. Fluid Film can be removed easily from most materials when required. Fluid Film is non-toxic and non-hazardous important considerations in workplace environment and safety. Once applied, Fluid Film’s NAS flash point is a high 204C compared to typical 52C solvent-based products. While most products of its kind contain between seventy and ninety percent solvent, Fluid Film contains none, except for the propellant in its aerosol cans. This means that only ten to thirty percent of competing products have usable corrosion control materials. The rest evaporates, contaminating the atmosphere and is useless to the user. 

Powerful Rust Corrosion Protection

Panels were removed when each reached approximately 95% surface corrosion. Two competitive product panels reached 95% surface corrosion within 14 days, a third in 45 days. (Corrosion X was not included in this comparison). After 52 days, Fluid Film had reached a corrosion percentage of only 5%. 

This report was made by an independent analytical materials chemistry facility certified by the City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. The tests were conducted to substantiate and update previous 52-day performance testing by Eureka Chemical’s own laboratory. (See back page.)

For the above report, each product was sprayed onto 3” x 6” cold-rolled steel panels (CRT-SAFE 1008/1010). The panels were air dried 24 hours, then placed in a salt-spray chamber for a total exposure of 504 hours (3 weeks). * American Society for Testing & Materials.

Product              1 Week                       2 Weeks                           3 Weeks 

Fluid Film AS     0% surface corrosion      1% surface corrosion     1% surface corrosion

CRC 3-36           90% surface corrosion    95% surface corrosion   100% surface corrosion

WD-40               40% surface corrosion    55% surface corrosion   85% surface corrosion

Corrosion X       50% surface corrosion    95% surface corrosion   100% surface corrosion

LPS-3                   5% surface corrosion    10% surface corrosion   40% surface corrosion 

Performance Test

52-Day Performance Comparison
Fluid Film vs. Leading Competitive Products

The performance comparison was conducted in the laboratory of Eureka Chemical Company by the methods similar to ASTM B-117. Like the independent laboratory test reported over page, each product was sprayed onto 3” x 6” bare steel panels. The sprayed panels were suspended vertically for 24 hours to simulate end use conditions; they then were transferred to a closed fog atmosphere of 5% salt concentration. 

Independent Testing Confirms…Fluid Film is your most effective corrosion protection- 

Why Use Fluid Film

Because it is the worldwide standard for corrosion control and equipment maintenance, Fluid Film is tested frequently by the military, government agencies, university researchers and a wide variety of other industries.Results of such testing unfailingly support Fluid Film’s position as the most versatile and economical corrosion preventative, penetrant and lubricant. 

What Is Fluid Film

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